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Nod - what does it really mean ? Help please?

Nod - what does it really mean ?  Help please? (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Nod - what does it really mean ?  Help please? (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Nod - what does it really mean ? Help please?

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I see a nod as a friendly hello

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Brummie Jackie @ 13/08/2010 14:50  

Nod Away....maybe there should be another tab for a wink for those who want to get in touch with someone they like the look of????

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2010 15:08  

ah bless MBW not sure you would get any lol

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Brummie Jackie @ 13/08/2010 15:23  

I think I will go and sob myself into a corner now! he-he.

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2010 15:26  

ssshhhh your being too loud

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Brummie Jackie @ 13/08/2010 15:31  

Okay then I will go and sob to myself in the corner! ha-ha! Nod, nod, nod and nod some more!!! I'm going to nod to every biker at the weekend...even those on the motorway!

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2010 15:51  

Mind to buy some deep heat thencos u'll need it :)

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Brummie Jackie @ 13/08/2010 16:32  

lol @ brummie jackie & MBW.. silly bugga's

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2010 20:02  

I'm being virtually attacked into a corner Geordielass (calling out for help) he-he

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2010 20:26  

i noticed.. now your hogging the corner in here with all that sobbing!!!! help is on zeee way!!!! lol

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2010 20:31  

"ah bless MBW not sure you would get any lol" That's not very nice Jackie

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Doh Boy @ 13/08/2010 23:26  

Thanks Geordie Lass and Doh Boy......maybe we could launch a virtual attack at BJ with some custard tarts!!! food fight!!! Bring on the Christmas party BJ! Mwhahaha! he-he

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Deleted Member @ 14/08/2010 08:00  

Thanks for the input everyone, some posts were really funny - my conculsion is I'm going to nod to be friendly with no hidden agenda.

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BOBKAT @ 15/08/2010 19:49  

lol MBW at food fight.. im game !!.. BOB... you nod away hun... go girly!!!! :)

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Deleted Member @ 15/08/2010 19:52  

I know Geordielass, lol at MBW sobbing in the corner having food fight with himself we'll all end up nodding in the corner with our jaskets back to front lol.

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BOBKAT @ 15/08/2010 22:14  

i suppose a nod is only a simple gesture, or an acknowlagement,
i nod or tilt my head at every bike that passes my way when out and about, sometimes its fair to say that the person you;ve nooded at might actually be concentrating on what he/she is doing so does'nt notice you.

to ignore a polite pm is a tad rude, if you don't want to sociable, why even bother to join a social site in the first place?

its proberly better to send a pm and then delete it from your 'communicator' page, at least then if some ones does actually reply to a pm its a nice surprise when you log in next.

works for me and i've sent loads!

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kendress @ 20/08/2010 00:17  

Sounds like a good idea Kendress

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BOBKAT @ 22/08/2010 00:01  


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dunans @ 22/08/2010 11:01  

I've found that the meds I'm on ATM have reduced the nodding and dribbling considerably.

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invalid characters @ 22/08/2010 11:27  

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Sandi @ 22/08/2010 11:37  

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