This whole situation is wrong, and we should petition our MP's to account for this and other so called H & S and human rights bollocks......
It is ruining our we ignore criminals and let them escape with out pursuit because we don't want them to hurt themselves....and if they do in the purpitation of a criminal act of theft then they can sue the police ..... mmmhhh ok anyone spot what is WRONG WRONG WRONG here????
I saw a good example of H &S gone daft yesterday..... ok MGS (Military Guard Service) there the blue uniformed chaps and chapess's who you see looking at your pass on entry to military bases...... their superintendant came in saying some staff had complained that they had trouble getting in and out of the landrover as it was too high....she had done a risk assesment and was wondering if it was justified getting an external step put on at a cost of £700 per side.......?????????????????????
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNuuuhhhh was all I could muster and said you are taking the piss...
if a landrover same as you would buy from a dealer wasn't fit for purpose then the company couldn't sell it for use ...the fact you get a step as an optional extra, is that! an optional extra and if these employee's are so soft and brittile that they may do themselves an injury GETTING IN and OUT OF A CAR they shouldn't be working in a job where potentially you would have to deal with terrorists peace protestors, vandals and all sorts............ however this is MOD and part of the big machine that is Government you the 6 part assesments get doen and redone until the little sheiiites get there way.....mean while I know guys on front line who can't get a decent whole set of trousers as there isn't a big enough budget......
.....what gives??????
Damn I'm getting so subversive and cynical lol...or am I the only person seeing it as it is...a croc of cuddly, left wing mollycuddling bollocks that is destroying common sense......
Left wing government - have I missed an election?
More likely some toffy nosed civil servant who's worrying about scuffing the Loakes or snagging the saville row suit exiting the vehicle than it being concern about anyone's physical ability. But if you dress it up in PCness you'll get the dosh.
As for criminals, if you breach anyone elses human rights you should forfeit your own imo.
all of the current regulations rules and moolycuddling crap came in under the last government as did all of the other shite that has ruined this yes left wing parasites, (last government)
south Wales police work overtime on enforcement camera vans they park up set the camera and go to sleep zzzzzz or park in lay-bys and pull you in for enjoying life ask them to find your bike when it's been stolen all you get is an incident number and a n.i.p when the t##t that stole it went passed a speed trap