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General Chat/Anything Goes

The Biker Nod

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The Biker Nod

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Not offended,but to think that if you saw a bike and rider on the side of the road,might just be having a fag but it might be bust,its well good when you stop make sure they're ok.Its good when some1 does it for you,thats what its all about. At the side of the road you slow down and put the thumb up,yes? to check they're o.k? Nah! that doesnt happen now just aint what it used to be! It used to always be that we are bikers. they aint, gotta stick together!

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fxr swas @ 06/10/2010 02:02  

I still give a thumbs up to a biker stopped at the side of the road, thgouh, when I ran out of fuel a little while ago (damn CBF and its lack of a fuel gauge!) and was at the side of the road for about 2 hours waiting on the rescue service, I didn't get a single one! Not that they'd have been able to help. but still...

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Drum @ 06/10/2010 07:03  

I always try to nod at everyone except for, yes you've guessed it...the scooter boys. It strikes me as bad manners when I don't get one back but lovely when I do. Recently in heavy traffic, came across a very friendly Harley rider who actually said hello.

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Suzi5551 @ 06/10/2010 07:59  

My 1st Day out on the Bandit A coil packed up, so I pulled into a Layby, over the next hour n half 7 bikers had stopped to see if they could help, finally the last one a Bloke named Mike gave me a lift back to his garage 15 miles away, found me an old coil he had laying around and took me back and fitted it for me and he wouldnt take any cash for any of his help, a few days later I ended up dropping round a slab of beers to him and some flowers for his missus, we've been good mates ever since. That got me totally hooked on biking more than ever, Its like a brotherhood. I Nod at everyone except kids on scoots, and depending on what I'm riding depends if they nod back, usually hog riders wont nod back if I'm on the Ninja but they do to the Bandit....cant figure it myself ???

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Fitchy @ 06/10/2010 08:18  

always give a rider a nod wether there on a scooter or an r1, most of the time you get one back. the odd rider dosnt cant really understand that.its just being polite lol

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andyl250 @ 06/10/2010 08:26  

I always nod at other Bikers,
does not matter if they are riding in the opposite direction, stood in a lay-by, or I am overtaking them.
Also if I spot a Biker in a lay-by and I think he/she is in difficulty, I will slow right down point at their bike, and give them the thumbs up to see if they need assistance,i'm not really bothered what they are riding,if it's got two wheels and a engine i'm happy to nod or lend a hand.

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marsey @ 06/10/2010 17:43  

I always stop if i see a biker at the road side, coming back from the bmf in may i stopped, when i saw a lady biker at the side of the road, her fairing had come off, i made a temperary repair and she was back on her way, i think all bikers should stick together.

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retrofan @ 06/10/2010 20:14  

i never nod any more ! why should i ? have done it for years but bikers have stopped nodding now days just another step in the direction society has taken ! seams to be more to do with what type of bike you got now as opposed to whether you ride a bike

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WheelyNealy @ 06/10/2010 20:24  

I've found that the only riders that I can be sure will 'nod' back,.. (or even wave sometimes while using the BM), are the ones riding the same model as me,... only rarely a plastic missile pilot will, unless given plenty of time to react of course.

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Paj1369 @ 06/10/2010 21:31  

I might be a self opinionated wassock but are we not all in the same boat, acknowledging each other cant be bad, the more its done it might change attitudes,or again am I an old git living in the past

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fxr swas @ 07/10/2010 00:35  

youre just an old git ........................ IM JOKING hun !!!! lol

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Deleted Member @ 07/10/2010 00:55  

Har Har,aye yer right

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fxr swas @ 07/10/2010 01:01  

lol... now you know im just joking fxr... (exchange of a bit of north east sarcastic banter - feel free to throw some back) what what!!!!!

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Deleted Member @ 07/10/2010 01:05  

I wouldnt dare!!! Ah reckon you have it down t' a T

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fxr swas @ 07/10/2010 01:11  

lol... yup yup yup !!!

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Deleted Member @ 07/10/2010 01:18  

Aye, yup

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fxr swas @ 07/10/2010 02:27  

I tend to nod at all bar the ones wearing trackies on scooters, they never nod back so it seems a waste of my effort

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Wilson @ 07/10/2010 14:24  

I always give a nod but don't mind if I don't get one back.
Hardly riders and Power Rangers mostly don't bother in my experience.

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guzzi-rob @ 07/10/2010 17:06  

Over here on the continent most bikers acknowledge each other, but it's usually by raising the left hand either wholly or partially off the bars. It's easier to wave over here 'cos it's not the throttle or brake hand, it's the left hand. I rarely don'r get an acknowledgement though it can be a bit tough when there is a string of riders out together. Nationality doesn't seem to make any difference. We get a lot of different nationalities here in Luxembourg but head on you have no idea what nationality people are. I'll even wave to scooter riders but seldom get a wave back. Les

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euroland_les @ 07/10/2010 19:30  

always wave unless im half way round a bend and sparks are flying, sunday riders never wave back, wave to all 2 wheel riders even cycles especialy up mountain passes, these guys deserve respect, and no i dont wave to all cycles in holland, that would be fn silly

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Deleted Member @ 08/10/2010 22:47  

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