i would but there's never a chance, i can either book an appointment at the hospital but they never managed a time that i could do so i gave up on that route and its the same for the supposed drop in, in manchester.
they don't make it easy for you to donate.
Unfortunately, Im about 10lb too light, regardless of how many mars bars i eat and pass out as soon as a needle goes near me! I can watch horror films, as gory as you like, but show me a needle touching skin, and im on the floor!
I tried to, but unfortunately, my veins are knackered and they couldn't get a line in.
I was given 8 pints in transfusion after a bad smash in , and after 2 months of drips, arterial lines and injections, the veins in my arms couldn't take it. They would tissue after 20mins of the line being swapped. Even now, nearly 20 years on, it's hard work for nurses to get the vein just for a simple blood test.
I'd like to be able to return the favour and give blood back, but I can't. Although my parents on the other hand, they still regularly give blood as their way to say thank you for the wonderful work the service does on our behalf.
I didn't think you could give blood if you had received a donation any more anyway. I know what you mean though, I plan to give while I can as maybe someday I'll be needing it and not able to donate any more.
Thats what I was told , recieved a substantial ammounts in the early 80's,over long periods, eternily grateful to the nhs scotland and the Dundee R.I as was ,I'll never hear a bad word said, but was told I cant donate.
So why is it I cant give back? 1982 a loooooong time ago, doesnt take long for the blood to be renewed so to speak in yer body anyway,
Any doctors in the hoose?
I think it might be to do with possible infections like Hepatitis and HIV. Before a certain date, there wasn't a screening program on donated blood, but after the rise of HIV, and people getting infected transfusions, they had to do something about it. I'm not positive this is the case, but it seems like a plausible reason in any case.
I know arouind that time screening came in or was on the way in,more with the scare stories coming from the states,but youd think by now i'd probably be deed or have been ill with something if I was unclean....wouldnt I?
Seems daft not to let you give blood after you have received some, after all even if it was before screening you had yours, once you donate, your blood will be screened before anyone else got it .. Wouldn't it???
I cope really well, most of the time people never realise and I keep very active. Was bad a few years ago but seems to have gone away atm fingers crossed, gone from 3 monthly neuro appointments to annual.
Makes me realise how lucky I am when I have my appointments and see people with the same disease as me in much worse a state. XX