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Yup ... Move & Delete gone from mine too ... but at least the topics ar all in the right box's now

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Deleted User @ 15/01/2011 13:55  

all staff always had the move and delete icons, not just mods, from when we categorised the forums and needed "all hands on deck" to organise it all. But, I don't think it's worked since then - has it? Did the move icon work? it's either both of them or neither... up to you staff. Do you ever use the buttons?

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Matt @ 15/01/2011 14:10  

Never tried lol

But I guess if you ever got to a situation where you needed 'all hands on deck' again & were short of Mods cos of holidays etc etc it would be easy for you to put them back ?

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Deleted User @ 15/01/2011 14:23  

yea its easy to put them both back (move and delete) but not just one

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Matt @ 15/01/2011 14:35  

Well then boss man ... for me its your call ,.. your ass thats gotta work fast if you need us all to have access

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Deleted User @ 15/01/2011 14:54  

Yes Matt, I used the MOVE icon a lot, the other icon was always disabled as I'm not a moderator.

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Sandi @ 15/01/2011 15:59  

Dont see the need for none mods to have them myself

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JP @ 15/01/2011 19:50  

I think sv Shell's post answers that question, jp. If she didn't use the MOVE icon then maybe some of the other moderators didn't either. Like I said I moved a lot of topics to their appropriate forum. Matt enabled that action for me when the site increased from 1 forum, he needed all hands on deck to move topics to appropriate forums. As the icon still worked I just moved topics when they required it, it saved me having to keep contacting the mods to do it. As Matt has deleted the icon none of the staff can move topics, except himself of course.

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Sandi @ 17/01/2011 09:17  

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