Hey Jacko, it will be lovely to see you again....but see you first in Skeggy!
It's brilliant to see so many of our Scottish pals coming south of the border
Are you stirring it again red???
Just watch it sunshine.....I may give the impression of being extremely cultured, impeccably mannered, quiet and demure.....but I come from Hulme.......
count me in for this
minnie the minxblackberrykareybandit loverphotographer1sumodwarfkfoggy67bikeabillIronnieIanhg1971 maybeold redpaneurojimShell n Mr P furybilly
I need to cadge a tent and a sleeping bag.....but count me in
minnie the minxblackberrykareybandit loverphotographer1sumodwarfkfoggy67bikeabillIronnieIanhg1971 maybeold redpaneurojimShell n Mr P furybilly
Oi old red stop hijacking this thread (and Ms Minnie you should know better ). We'll sort you out with a tent DatfUn don't want you responsible for keeping old red on his mattress!!!
minnie the minxblackberrykareybandit loverphotographer1sumodwarfkfoggy67bikeabillIronnieIanhg1971 maybeold redpaneurojimShell n Mr P furybilly
Ok kiddies I'm going to do this one so beware aza comin.
minnie the minx blackberry karey bandit lover photographer1 sumodwarf kfoggy67 bikeabill Ironnie Ianhg1971 maybe old red paneurojim Shell n Mr P furybilly
DaftUn Whacko