I personally would just like to say a BIG thank-you to everyone for all their help and say how everyone really pulled together when my two air raid shelters were ' bombed' there was a real community feeling as everyone sifted through the wreckage rescuing belongings, offering cups of tea and a homes for the night. Despite losing the shelters it was still the most fun week-end ever!! And people on here are still continuing to help and offer support - how amazing is that !!!
just found that there is a box of someone elses stuff in the boot of my car. from Barmouth., somthing i picked up on sunday night for protection then forgot about. greeny coloured plastic box, with (someones in for a ribbing for this), an extension lead , table lamp and a pink hairdryer, n some other odds n sods... any claimers? ill pop it on carrier from work if someone claims it.