hows the hangover Bandit - and yes herb did that design on the back of my jacket in 93 - still got the jacket, but bit small for me the twins must be due soon - bitter and mild - i seem to have been pregnant a long time
PMSL ! No hangover for me lol, was in before 2am was a good boy for once. Herb did the back of my waistcoat for me, a picture of morhookah the smoking caterpillar from alice in wonderland, still have it and it still looks good, no cracks or owt.
Tell em morhookah, the smoking caterpillar, has given you the call. White Rabbit, got that somewhere on vinyl, classic track.
TBH i didnt get why you put that up at first, was having a blonde moment (and i am a blondie)
well me too, love that track as well thats what i thought of when u mentioned alice in wonderland and smoking catarpilla lol
the opening bars of the song a real classic