clarkee, I wasn't slagging off the postal deliverer, nor am I ungrateful.
Some folk are still in bed cos
1) they are ill
2) they have worked a shift already
3) they were up late the night before with a wakeful baby
4) it aint compulsory to answer when someone knocks at the door
You complained about householders not being ready to answer the door when the postie calls, not all of us order the said item and if we do it usually doesn't arrive when we are told it will therefore we can't be ready to open the door.
I didn't say that the mail delivered to my address was incorrectly addressed, I said it was someone else's name on it.
If postie won't take it back it goes in the bin.
Seems that householders aren't the only moaning gits.
I don't appreciate being called an arsehole.
Merry Christmas to you too.
Cherry Knocking or Knock Down Ginger we've known it as.
Reminds me ... last time I did that with mates...
"Knock knock knock", mates scarper, I turn to leg it ... and..................wait for it............ I remember I'm on crutches ................. DOH!!!!