Not looking what i'm doing in school carpark and fell in pot hole how dozey then just sitting there laughing head off while 3 people come running to help
Im a first class plank!!! Always putting stuff in a safe place then forgetting where the safe place is!!!! So many hidden treasures around my house if only i could remember where i put them
Ive just realised why on the "Events" page there is bright dark green bits all over it... i have been looking at it over the past few weeks thinking why the fe** are some bits coloured in bright... trying to work out if its something personal to me or any other reason....
tonight clearly i have had a moment of enlightenment and realised.... they are all Weekends ......PLANK
Tonight I stood at the back door shouting the dog to come in,I was worried when she didnt come to me, so I ventured into the garden shouting her name, got upset thinking she had escaped ,so I rang my daughter.....She,s here mum at my house remember I picked her up last night!!
at us being planks ... love it teeheehee ... i dunno what you mean BBZ62 pmsl Riggy well ya will notice now eh!! heehee and that kind thing i have done Allison !!
Planks... the lot of us x
I went to a 50th birthady suprise party Sat in a country hall meet up time was 8pm on the dot 8.15 arrived no one around,so phoned a friend and found out l was at the wrong hall "SUPPRISE" Well there wasent any lights on
What a plank I am.
just relised today, if i click on the last number of a thread, it takes me the the last page.
For the last year I've been clicking on the thread, then using the drop down bar to get to the end.
I Am A Plank... becaaaaaaaaaaaaause.. *sighs*
I hurredly replied to an inbox in here this morning.. still half asleep and without enough caffiene.. Cept.. couldn't really see the picture and misread the name which was suprisingly similar to someone elses and basically complimented him on not looking 40.. cos I thought he was the someone else who is 40.. waxed overly lyrical.. talked about cakes and stuff.. sent it... then had that awful "holycrapmoment" went and took a proper look.. course he doenst look 40 he's only 35!! Poor Bloke.. he's been rockchickied.. so early in life too