Congrats on passing RC
I too started out on a CG 125 and loved it, then having passed moved upwards but then after a break of nealry 10 years I had my lovely little Yamaha SR 125 and I loved her, she gave me so much confidence and I could easily get both feet down and I never dropped her It all depnds on what feels right for you and what you feel both safe and comfortable on. What you dont want is to rush into buying something that you're not really happy with and then losing your confidence.
As been said already go and sit on a few , have a ride and see what makes you smile .... bit like men eh???
Rooster roo In: Nottingham for n
Posts: 491
Congratulations! Alex
Could soon be the day when you pillion Aaron and not the other way around ....
Another thumbs up for the CG125 cracking bike and great value
Well done
First of all well done for passing the CBT, welcome to the world of bikes. While the Honda is good, and as cheap as chips to own and run, there's another one you might want to consider, the Yamaha YBR125.
Personally I went for a Yamaha XT125X and took advantage of 0% finance and £99 deposit. I enjoy the handling, even if the power isn't there. One day when those annoying things called bills stop getting in the way, I'll get around to taking my full test. In the meantime I'm just going to enjoy the bike I've got.
The magazine called Used Bike Guide is no longer printed, it was withdrawn by Mortons last year, I think August was the last one. What Mortons have done is incorporate UBG into their monthly paper called Motor Cycle Monthly. You can get free copies from some bike shops/dealers, or for £7.99 a year you can have it delivered, or you can read it online at this site:
Good luck with your search for a bike, and happy riding.
Hey Alex, well done! I'd echo the comments here about CG125; Can you believe I also had one as my first bike. They really have been making them that long...
My brother had the slightly more stylish (back then) Honda CB100 and it was a pig to control at slow speeds by comparison. Hence, looks aren't everything. Find what suits you, esp for manoeuvring at slow speeds, and then you won't drop it (as much).
And these days, don't forget you'll prob have to live with it for some time beyond your (undoubted) test success, unlike us oldies that immediately swapped for the biggest thing we could find/afford...
If you are going for an A2 restricted licence, most modern 250cc machines comply, but check the spec 1st.
Limited to 33 HP / 25 KW with a power to weight ratio not exceeding 0.16 KW/Kg. There are a few 400 imports around but hard to find.
Alternatively any bike can be restricted to the 33 HP but must be certified for insurance and police.
The magazine called Used Bike Guide is no longer printed, it was withdrawn by Mortons last year, I think August was the last one.What Mortons have done is incorporate UBG into their monthly paper called Motor Cycle Monthly.You can get free copies from some bike shops/dealers, or for £7.99 a year you can have it delivered, or you can read it online at this site:
James, thanks for the info, it's been a while since I bought a UBG, I've just looked at the date on the last one I bought...June 2006. I didn't realise it was so long ago.
Hi rockchick well done, if you want to get a CG125 then I no of 1, mint condition, 57 plate, 1600 miles and asking £1300. but its in north wales. I did my CBT on 1 but couldnt find one at the time so i've got CBF 125 and I love her, and yes its replaced the cg
good luck hun
Carrie Im LOADS better thanx ... 12 months but DEF on the mend now :) Hey, I may even make it your way again soon :D Been away from everyone for tooooo long! Hope alls well with you and the big man :)