Sandy Powell vid (thanks to Stu's post in the Work sayings thread which led me to this vid)
Not today, happened a few years ago but it still makes me laugh when I think about it.
Something I said to a car driver, as I was crossing the road, he had a mobile phone to his ear and almost ran me over.
'If you took the phone out of your earhole you'd see where you're going!'
I PML, as I walked up the street, when I realised what I'd said.
laugh out loud today....someone suggesting that an alternator fitted in march and less than 1100 miles old might not be covered under warranty............yeah right ,paid the original bill with barclaycard so will not end up paying anyway,nyah nyah nyah
Driving home late last night, a red light started flashing on the dashboard. As i didn't have my glasses on I couldn't see which one it was. But as there seemed to be no change in the engine I carried on driving, as I just wanted to get home.
Thoughts of the car being off the road, expensive problems, visits to the garage, and so no KISS kept running through my head
First thing this morning I got in the car to check the problem, only to find it was telling me that one of my rear doors wasn't properly closed!!! phew!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know since Ive come back as a full member Ive met sime smashing people & made some great fellow girlie biking mates!! Were a lovely bunch of ladyriders looking forward to meeting even more nice folk!! Drive safe PB...see you there hun!!
Dangerous woman to know this one.. she knows two folk who have sadly passed over into spirit due to DECAPITATION
Laughed till I thought I would cry.. not at the fact that they're dead you understand just the entire conversation about how dangerous she is to know and I wish I could share properly but you really had to be there...