Nectar points BC?? Mm I've not heard of that one, that would help me with my shopping bill. PML @ read it yourself, I still have to. I may get a meter reader but my provider still sends me ESTIMATED bills. I got fed up of phoning a reading in.
Crikey Tango where do you live, the village that time forgot? Sadly, gone are the days when I used to get the same post man deliver mail at the same time.
Hey Kwak, I am with EDF...they were the cheapest and I got so many thousands of points to join and I get a few hundred each quarter for being with them and some extra for reading my own meters and some for being on their Direct Debit scheme...I am also on a fixed scheme which I took out a long time ago so I am not paying as high as everyone else per unit gas/electricity used...and it is fixed until 2010. Glad I did it now!
it is like that here on the estate where i grew up!the kids play in the st, nieghbours are friendlyan carin [most anyway]i moved back in with my dad after divorce intendin to get a flat but he died an i couldnt be bothered to move as he'd bought the hse from the councill it was to easier to stay an renovate his place its on the edge of the estate by a church with abus route an of course the same meter man!!!
Ah BC that explains why I aint heard of it. I pay my gas/elec' bill weekly. I used to pay it 2 weekly but they got snippy about that and demanded I pay it weekly, even tho they had no reason to, I aint missed a payment.
I used to pay by DB when I had a job but can't risk a hen-up with my payments now I'm unemployed, altho I do have an official overdraft.
I've not heard of EDF. I'm with Scottish power, I got mugged into changing from my previous supplier to them. I now bite the head off other suppliers' reps who call at my door cos I can't be doin' wiv the hassle lol.
Tango, at mo I live in a deserted terrace row, council have moved most tennants out in readyness for demolition. If the house, that I'm soon to view, is any good then I shall be moving into it and out of here. Maybe the 'new' street will have a regular posty.
to get back on topic... I'm listening to Billy Fury (again lol)
yup Dave I know, he's the Spanish Frenchman from Bradford aint he?
Martin Vowles is with The Firebirds AND The Wildcards, lol I've been surfing myspace.