Lovely bright start to the day, Kelpies glistening in sunshine as we drove back from Edinburgh airport, even stayed good enough to get a garden bonfire going and burn off a whole tree or two! Light rain now, so fire out and us all indoors sleeping off early start to the day before curry-time.
@Jackyan, thanks for the 'happy holiday' Its a good job I have three sides of inside jobs to do before the couple of pages of outsides ones... perhaps it will improve as the week goes on!
no mizzle here @RB, its full on chucking it down I need waders and a sou'wester
Hec GBNP sounds like you are really getting the worst of it weather wise but I love a gal with a holiday scheme of work . Hope you get some down time too. Weather here keeps you on your toes . You just go outside and it chucks it down / come in and sun is out . Ah well at least the sun is trying to do its thing.