Watching an old guy try to reverse into a space big enuf for a tank, failin miserably then getting his we old lady to get out and wave him in, she was muttering about not havin her glasses on and how useless he is, priceless .................... needless to say i parked the other side of the car park
Seeing the kittens reaction when my cat came in & pushed her away from his eating bowl ... he has been chasing him all week spitting, hissing & growling at him
My grandson Tyler (18 months) . He comes over 2 or 3 afternoons a week n is hilarious and he knows it. Just starting to talk n calls me dad, my son dad, and his mother, - yep ya guessed it, - dad.
My son and I are trying to get him to learn to call her "Vile Woman" !!
have you heard the latest police booking....a guy blowing his nose while stopped in a traffic jam with his handbrake on!
Ayrshire on Scotish news tonight