Boy racers ... In their silly ickle 'fast' cars n exhausts that rattle windows n my nerves! Better still the neighbours son, it would give us all a rest. Coming n going to and from house every 20 mins or so. Grrrrrrrrrr!
Sounds like a plan! Or a mini fest in the back garden with daughter dearests mates n their guitars n drums, headliners Sola Virtus, Treason Kings n The Strikes! Now there's a thought ....
Room 101 ... This will probably spark a bit of controversy ... The Beatles, Pink Floyd n Johnny Cash ... Just my personal room 101, everyone else can keep em! Thank you .
Get Johnny Cash back out of Room 101 right now...the man is top.
put in spitting, coughing in packed lift without covering mouth and sniffing loudly until you hack....sometimes being on the 27th floor aint that good!