What a fantastic weekend!! So many laughs and giggles with absolutely fantastic mates old and new!
WELL DONE to everyone that helped organise it and kept it running safe and smooth.
Big Thanks also to MATT and MARSHA
Massive thanks to Jan for the lift there and back, you're a star! Luv ya hun!
Big thanks to Linda for the outing to Scarborough and thanks to Sarah for the ice cream...............oh wait! She only got one for HERSELF.. didn't she Linda? Grrrrrrr
Hope you all got home safe... see you all at the next one, whatever it is!
Thanks for a great weekend I would like to thank all those that gave up most of there weekend up to keep the site secure and all our personal possessions safe. Yet again BM and its staff have kept the scum off the rally site Long may it continue. Well done Phil, Bill, Sally, Kay, and all the rest of the team sorry I cant remember your names. Thank you for giving up your time to keep us partying.
On a sad note sorry to hear about Fireblade Johns House being broken into on the Friday night if there is anything we can do let us know
Good times. great catch up thanks everyone, but to Sarah who really likes ice cream on her own and the history lessons all weekend i am not surprised I slept so much! And Kaz thanks for coming with us to Scarborough you were great company! xxxxxxxxxx
Absolutely a STORMER again... The KISS Rally's are always special and full of fun, but a huge thank you to boss man Matt for picking up the reins (and the tab) and along with the rest of the event team make it yet another weekend to remember... Great to catch up with friends from all over the country and to also meet and make some new ones, the people you only know by their face on a profile in BM... I can't wait for next years now.... hahah Well done everyone.... and thank you one and all
Just wanted to say thank you to all the willing and unwilling participants of the games - you were great! Matt has some fantastic photos which I hope will be uploaded soon!
Also, thanks to everyone that helped out to make the weekend a brilliant one. It was great to meet so many of you and can't wait to catch up with you all again soon. JCx
A big thankyou to all who organised the weekend. I had a fantastic time and the rain did not stop me. Thanks to Rag for leading the Southern Softies up to Squires and to BigRay for the brilliant ride around the Dales. It was really good meeting up with everyone, I wish it happened more often, I am missing your brilliant friendly company already. I still have my final 32 mile run home this morning from Lindas. :-)