Every time the Aldi and LiDL cheap camping stuff is mentioned it makes me wanna join in lol
In my next life I'd like to be a roughy toughy lad preferably without the ailments!
Just a thought as I was in there yesterday...
If you want to "Woo Yer Woman" (I'm too tired for Barbara Cartland) then get yourself down there.. Boquets of Lillies for £3.69.. buy two.. undo the elastic bands carefully.. add them together.. squidge them about and for £7.38 it looks like a £40 Boquet...
I know because I did it last night for my Slimming World Target Member Competition.. They think I'm Lush! and Made of Money!!
Oh.. they had my favourite Sweet William flowers too.. very rare now and tres expensive but they were only £1.49 a bunch.. smell divine and remind you of your granda...
just beware of those womens tools, and minnie i hope your not planning on going camping to often. it'd be interesting to see how long your matress lasts.
Bet I go campin more often than you do busafella....I will happily provide an update on the performance of my mattress as the summer progresses...an edited update of course
As for womens tools....if you manage to get to any of the rallies I'm attending, I will be more than happy to show you my entire range of tools and provide more feedback regarding effectiveness at screwin etc
As for slapping, I'm sure I have a tool for that too
Oh by the way, I will be very easy to find
not shure about getting to any of the rallies, not really my thing. but that ride in the lakes sounds interesting and pick up a pilly does as well. just depends on the weather and what time i get out of bed.
that matress comment was entirely innocent - honest. . as for anything else im keeping my mouth shut, theres to many people ganging up on me.
my matress has now been tested in action at farmyard,excellent.wet underneath where tent succombed to moisture on a grand scale,but kept me afloat and comfy,i'm over 5 stones and still comfy,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaxx