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Anything happening in scotland ?

Anything happening in scotland ? (3) - Forums [Biker Match] Anything happening in scotland ? (3) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Anything happening in scotland ?

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Cassie I'm adding a link, to this topic, in the September Biker Match monthly newsletter, see if we can't get more involved in a meet up with you. Good luck I hope you sort something out. Don't forget to post in here after you meet up, and to take loads of pics.

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Sandi @ 13/08/2007 10:26  

Great Kwak,thats much appreciated.Been noseying on site and there seems to be a lot of scottish members,must be very shy!!!

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2007 12:42  

Dunno if they're shy Cassie or you're just not-so-shy lol

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Blueboy955i @ 13/08/2007 14:56  

Nah, i don't think there shy either. It's just the thought of forking out 99p. It just goes right against the grain!!

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bluesbiker @ 13/08/2007 15:08  

Well it is nearly a pound you know

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2007 15:48  

What's stormin when it's at home, excuse my ignorance. Yep Cassie, did think it a bit odd, a hall

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bikebird @ 13/08/2007 17:22  

Its a rally down in durham bikebird,a few of the members are going.

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Deleted Member @ 13/08/2007 17:48  

That's not too far is it, when is it

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bikebird @ 13/08/2007 20:49  

Its weekend of the 31st,sounds like a gud bash but when i checked for tickets the deadline for prebooks had passed so i'm not sure what the situation there would be.

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Deleted Member @ 14/08/2007 17:15  

That's a pity can't make it, already doing something that weekend.

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bikebird @ 14/08/2007 18:38  

Hi guys, Finally got time to sit and read some threads. I am just outside Edinburgh and this weekend, 8-9 September theres a few bits happening. On Saturday 8th the "Central MCC" and going for a run and camp down to St Mary Loch near Moffat, meeting in Biggar at 11am and on Sunday is the annual Steve Hisplop run meeting at Forth Road Bridge at 10am heading to the Borders. I am doing both and would love to meet up with you. There is also a girls bike club started and the 1st meet is tomorrow (wed 5th) at Millerhill just off A1. So if you want to come along to some great events SCOTLAND is the place...all welcome. Hope to catch up soon Vonnie x

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vonnie @ 04/09/2007 16:57  

A girls bike club? Can I join lol

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Blueboy955i @ 04/09/2007 17:01  

Not sure youd want to BB once you know the initiation test.......but there again!!!!! LOL

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vonnie @ 04/09/2007 17:11  

Hi Vonnie,unfortunately i am bikeless just now.Am hoping to be back on road soon tho,so please keep posting events meets ect.Maybe you could post them in events section also,might rouse some of the silent ones up here!!!

Hey Blue,am sure kwak could lend you a blonde wig and we'll sneak you in,if you get busted tho your on your own!!lol

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Deleted Member @ 04/09/2007 17:44  

will do Cassie, theres another meet/rally at the end of the month if you can make it in the Trossachs. Once your up and running PM me and we can go out for a blast.

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vonnie @ 04/09/2007 18:09  

Will speak to Kwak on Sunday (at Matlock) and get measured up for that wig Cassie lol Initiation test *shudders*, does that involve throwing a rugby ball or downing a pint in one go

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Blueboy955i @ 04/09/2007 18:41  

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