Having a fantastic week end in Matlock.
Fab company, Blues, Skins, (son) and Mini D, fab campsite, fab food/drink and finding out Elvis is still alive and singing his heart out in a pub Matlock and that blues and Skins still know how to strut their stuff on the dance floor.
Oops!! did I really let that out.
bluesbiker In: Birmingham in th
Posts: 2510
Lying in my tent at 8 on a sunday morning looking at a sillouette of CG doing her star jumps!! and waking the rest of the campsite up!! Skins and mini d it was a pleasure. Still trying to digest the monster mixed grill from sat night. Wouldn't have been half the fun without you though cg.
Reading that post made me smile as just think when we do it all again on the 7th Oct we will all be up at 8am on the campsite for a bm group excercise session, might even bring in some jogging to.
Thanks for those kind words blues, also thanks for the pillion ride today.
ps if I could have done a shadow rabbit I wouldn't have been doing star jumps one armed.
What made me smile.....
Well after the big old grey cloud i woke up under buggered off I looked in the mirror and saw the a huge smile on a face that forgot how to smile.......and don't tell anyone but she does it quite alot these days.....
Today: Text off my mate's wife just to say how much she enjoyed yesterday.
After a 12 year break from biking I took her pillion yesterday on a day out with the club in Wales and she loved it. So did I, she was good company, pity I had to hand her back tho... hehe.
Nevermind... job done... persuaded her to get back into biking :)
Being asked to lay on the ground and get underneath a van with a good looking fella .......................................... shame hes married.
Having a laugh all day today with the fellas on workshop floor.
Roll on tomorra, and the rest of the week is what I say ............................... yummy!
Sad or what?
All the txt's, pm's, emails and phone calls I have recieved about not being on here for a while.
Meeting up again with so many lovely people last night and sharing a cuppa with them back at mine to.