First bike was a AJS 350, bag o bolts. Took it down the local farm road and taught myself to ride. Couldnt get to grips with it but .....eventually.......I got it to go in a straight line and kept it out the ditch !
That spurred my interest in how it actually worked and I took it to bits. Right down to the carbs...mistake !
Never did manage to rebuild it and sold it in a box. Rode for many years but never took my test until much later.
Eventually sat and passed my test (first time I hasten to add) on a SR125.
Been on bikes since I was a kid ... Always wanted my own so had a custom 750 Chop built in 1987 and rode for 2 years before getting my license with this bike in SA. Had me some kids and a lot of life since then and now zenning to do the trike thang.
A Kawasaki ER6 F, supplied by the training school. I decided that seeing as I'd passed my test on one, I should buy one as a first bike. I was bored with it within a month lol