Since you're paid up She11, you can message anyone and they should be able to reply to you.
If they don't then either they're no longer active on here and haven't read your message (you can tell if your sent message has two green ticks at the bottom), or they haven't got decent manners. Every one can write back and at the very least say thanks for messaging.
It would appear standard member can still post here :-)
If you send some one a pm the. The least they can do it reply. That's what the community is all about.
If you are a standard mamba r and a full member pm's you, then you can reply.
This place is about making friends more than finding 'that life long partner' making friends on here by replying to messages is the start of the networking that works wonders.
Since joining this site the amount of amazing people I have met has been, well amazing. For me moving to Yorkshire would have been a very lonely process with out all the good genuine mates I have made. Just get chatting, it works.
Hi....hope things have worked out better for you since you first posted. I'm quite new to the site and would like to echo Stuie's comment... It's a great forum for making and meeting new friends. Get yourself to one of the events if you can...I'm off to York today and will be meeting loads for the first time...have a look on the events calendar to see what's on nearest to you....and let it be known you need a pillion if you can't get never know...
I can promise you there are NO computation generated profiles on bm all profiles are genuine but some members move on or they have made there profile then decided this is not for them .
Like others have already said inactive members may have moved on and forgotten they are registered and forgot about BM. I was inactive for sometime but now back on here, and not because of the freebie upgrade just in case people think! It's difficult for some to message/message back, perhaps as they maybe shy or don't want to come across as odd when responding for a first time - I know I worry about being viewed as odd, but if you don't take a chance you'll never know. I know I've messaged and nodded to a few and not got any response... but some may say their loss. Happy to say others have got back to me though
Hi Panuno, would you be the very same Panuno as on the Aircooled RD forum (I doubt there's two). I just peeked at your profile and was saddened to see you were widowed a couple of years back. I haven't been very active on the ACRD or any forums since about the same time as was going through some marital woes and seperated in 2015. Ps, I'm known as 'Angel Grinder' on the ACRD but didn't think that was appropriate here.
Hi to everyone else on here as well. Just a regular member at the moment. I thought this looked like an interesting site and might expand social possibilities.