Like most of the blokes on here I find shaving really tedious . Have had beards , moustache and been clean shaven in the past . I recently got so fed up trying to keep my short beard in shape so I decided to just let it grow but then one day it made me look so old and I have found that many women dislike beards . I may now go back to just the tash . The other thing I noticed was this cheesy smell that seemed to follow me around wherever I went . Thought it was something in the air until I finally realised it was me niffing my own facial hair . Used beard oil and aftershave etc . but beards always seem to stink . It does really interest me - why do some of you women find beards attractive when other women clearly find them a big turn off . They seem to have come back into fashion but I remember a time when I was growing up they were quite unpopular .
Well i've had a good sniff at mine,so did the resident fieldmice and starlings,and they seemed to be okay....mind you,i have had my birthday shower this year...;)> As to texture,my beard is as soft as a stolen virgin's kiss,not Brillo pad..:o)>>>>
It's a well known fact linz that stolen virgins are so much better for cleaning burnt on food from pots and pans than brillo pads......and brillo pads are good.
Got to do something whilst the schools are on holiday, As for growth tips,they're a secret...i could tell you,but then assassinate you afterwards...💀