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COVID-19 - reasons not to ride

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COVID-19 - reasons not to ride

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Gone very quiet in here now lol. Welcome to BM Clare 2020

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JP @ 30/04/2020 19:47  

Very few round here doing the happy clappy bit. People are getting pissed off.

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Double six @ 30/04/2020 20:19  

Well I'm not pissed of, I'm loving every minute of being at home with nowt to do, it's giving me lots of time to get on with other things, just hope I don't run out of money

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Bikeabill @ 01/05/2020 03:22  

Precisely Bill, I am not suggesting that you are rich beyond the realms of reality but folk around here go to work to support their families and homes. They don't have enormous bank deposits they can fall back on to sustain a normal lifestyle. They run one car that serves as commuter and family runabout, they don't have the where withall to have a garage full of vehicles to tinker with to while away the lockdown.

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Double six @ 01/05/2020 07:53  

The choices are boredom or a horrible death, either for yourself or someone vulnerable, which is the more attractive choice?

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Deleted Member @ 01/05/2020 11:12  

That is a poor argument, would a cancer patient rather die in pain or peacefully at a ripe age in their sleep.

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Double six @ 01/05/2020 11:34  

The trouble is we are all very worried about the situation. Some of us are stuck at home and some of us are at work still now for the bulk of workers they are in a reasonable safe area for hospital staff they are 1st to catch the bullets then it runs down from them to shops truck drivers and so on. All this snapping at each other won't change a thing just get you more wound up. So if a member is posting they are happy to ride there bike for pleasure and happy to go and mix with there mates. Report them to the mods and as far as I'm concerned there is no reason they can't be suspended for a week. So come on let's try and play nicely. Right which 1 of your shits stole my Mars bar

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JP @ 01/05/2020 12:20  

As JP has said, everybody deals with stress, anxiety, boredom, etc in different ways. We all have different situations we are dealing with, whether that is working from home (like me, the morning commute is a nightmare!), still having to go out to work or staying at home, each scenario has its own issues.
Some folk are dealing with it ok but some are not.
People have different opinions on lots of things in life, which bike is best, what flavour ice cream is the bomb etc no reason to think we will not have differing opinions on COVID as well.
Try to bear that in mind when you reply to others posts.
I am looking forward to the day i can start annoying you guys in person again :)

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Brummie Jackie @ 01/05/2020 12:44  

Oooh, I quite like vanilla ice cream; that`s if rum & raisin isn`t available...or lemon sorbet .....or maple & pecan.... Oh, so many choices! :-)

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Wraith750 @ 01/05/2020 15:21  

Wraith Bj is on a diet so you can have all her ice cream

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JP @ 01/05/2020 15:29  

😛😛😛😛😛😛 slurpy slurp slurp

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yorkie mick @ 01/05/2020 17:32  

Why are all the hospitals so empty?
Why have staff got so much spare time they can jump up and down in hospitals making stupid videos?
That so called emergency Nightingale Hospital in Birmingham hasn't had one patient admitted............

Sheeple, sheeple everywhere!!

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Cornholio @ 01/05/2020 18:47  

I don't know if anybody has or hasn't been admitted to the Nightingale in Brum, But if they haven't admitted anyone that's fine by me it just means that the system in place is working well.

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JP @ 01/05/2020 20:48  

The Nightingale is being used as a morgue.

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Brummie Jackie @ 01/05/2020 23:19  

JP you said "So if a member is posting they are happy to ride there bike for pleasure and happy to go and mix with there mates. Report them to the mods and as far as I'm concerned there is no reason they can't be suspended for a week."

If someone goes out for pleasure on their bike it's matter for the police to deal with and nothing to do with the site and they are not breaking any of the site rules. So why should they be banned from the site for a week?

PS, It was BJ who nicked your mars bar.

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Ragnar @ 02/05/2020 09:59  

Maybe BM is now forming up with big brother Rags, has Matt inserted the tracker app into the base code to keep an eye on us? lmao

(haven't had a mars bar for ages)

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Double six @ 02/05/2020 10:06  

Ragnar if a member is doing stuff just to cause trouble on the site by posting comments that will cause rows then yes they should be binned off for a week. Yes I though BJ would be behind the Mars bar theft I was saving it for a rainy day I think Im going to wrap a boiled egg up in a cream egg wrapper

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JP @ 02/05/2020 12:16  

Well I've been out cycling with my daughter this morning, easy ride 20 miles a couple of hours will be back playing at bricklayer this afternoon, hey it not just cars and bikes I have to build D6 I have a house that needs rebuilding as well so plenty to do. It does help that I've had 20 grand of ppi back just recently but I'm only getting back what I payed, because being self employed I had nothing of the government unlike people who get 80 percent to stop at home doing nothing

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Bikeabill @ 02/05/2020 12:42  

No doubt you deserved the mars bar theft JP, I know how you torment BJ at every opportunity, however, revealing the method of retribution is hardly a good move. As for arguments, surely it is good to have a healthy debate about controversial topics, far too much dumbing down in society as a whole with no accountability being attached to it.
I wonder if people will be quite so acquiescent when more and more rights are taken away under the cover of a totally different and unrelated reason. PC culture has robbed a lot of people the right to freedom of expression and speech and multitudes have been victims of crimes because the government don't want to hurt someones feelings. While your country is being erased right in front of your nose, maybe it's time to start talking.
Yes Bill, having a windfall payout would come in handy, unfortunately not everyone has quite so much financial fluidity to keep themselves busy at anytime, let alone right now.

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Double six @ 02/05/2020 14:48  

Sorry JP, I read it that you was saying that people should be reported and banned for a week just because they was going out for a ride. Of course if someone is saying something just to be belligerent, yes report them.

PS. I saw BJ nick it, she cackled when she picked it up and called it my precious.

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Ragnar @ 02/05/2020 15:47  

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