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General Chat/Anything Goes

Thanks matt

Thanks matt (3) - Forums [Biker Match] Thanks matt (3) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Thanks matt

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oooohhh believe you me i so am bwb.

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Di @ 15/10/2006 12:09  

congrats to both couples, really happy for you all! Can we get some pics please for the site??? Gonna need mandatory testimonies as well

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Matt @ 15/10/2006 13:44  

OOOh does it hurt,,,is that done under a general anaesthetic? I was born with my mandatory testimonies and I want to keep them.

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rubecula @ 15/10/2006 13:48  

Awwww thank Matty, bring ya camera to the Xmas Bash mate, you can have some piccys.

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Moxey77 @ 15/10/2006 15:35  

at rube, love it

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Di @ 15/10/2006 15:42  

hey i was the ist bm couple lol and dont u forget it copy cats lol

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Sexysmirnoff @ 15/10/2006 16:53  

copying is the finest form of flattery bp

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Di @ 15/10/2006 17:00  

lol very true td xx

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Sexysmirnoff @ 15/10/2006 17:03  

Well I ain't a follower, I'm a leader (or is that "Bleeder") So guys, remember the advert..."Chuck out your Chicks" Oh hang on that was Chintz...... oh bugger I cocked up again then. I wondered why she howled when she hit the bottom of the skip.

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rubecula @ 15/10/2006 17:26  

Well Rube, follow me n Di and RC n BWB to the love shack and you might find one of your own mate

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Moxey77 @ 16/10/2006 05:46  

If she is anything like the last two.... well I think I'll pass on that 2W. Thanks all the same.

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 12:26  


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Wolfman101 @ 16/10/2006 13:39  

matt have u a big head yet?lol

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Sexysmirnoff @ 16/10/2006 20:07  

Must have BP Won't get it in the home page door at this rate.

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Moxey77 @ 16/10/2006 20:17  

cheers wolfman

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RC @ 17/10/2006 08:21  

Can I hear bells?

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Moxey77 @ 17/10/2006 08:44  

Thats cos i smacked ya round the ear babe

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Di @ 17/10/2006 09:07  

did you use somethin heavy

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 17/10/2006 10:14  

rollin pin mate

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Di @ 17/10/2006 10:22  

Ooooo domestic violence already.... snigger Can you video it so we can all enjoy it?

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 11:46  

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