Just remortgage Eddie. That'll cover the fuel costs, then when you get there, look all forlorn and hope that someone takes pity on you and treats you to half a pint ;o)
"Bake" yes I bake what of it! Muffin anyone???? When I wrote that reply I'd been awake for over 24 hours and had to go to work for 00:00 (was changed to 02:30) so was a bit spaced out thanks for pointing it out though kind BM's, I shall endevor to proof read all your imput and take the piss accordingly!
As for dancing Tango's (don't get me started) and he calls me effemanate (ball room dancer) hmmmm?
I really do bake though, (well bikings not just a way of life it's also a hobby for some particularly Harley Riders lol) Broccoli and Goats cheese Quiche anyone?
could be good!cookery lessons with HR in the mornin!Tango lessons in the afternoon with TM followed by a tea dance where we eat HR's buns an scones!jus hope the Brighton chapter of the hells Angels dont find out where we are![sqeal piggy sqeal!]
HR sorry can't make this, just hope you have better luck with numbers than I did, I had several people put their name down on the events thread for the June BM camping week end so booked a venue then got let down by some people on here.
It's ok CG I'm sure if peeps want to come or can make it they will add themselves to the Events Listing I'm at work from 6:30 tonight but will look in on this in the AM