Wasn't talking about u lot as good ones I meant me, I know u lot arn't good pmsl.
and BWB hun there is no need to shout I'm not deaf and I deffo know u not good pmsl.
Sorry for that gwen it's just that you are far away just making sure you heard me and if i was good you would all think i was ill or something.
OO just to mention i got a new jacket of a nice man in a white van it ties at the back like my old one but this has extras a nice padlock for extra safety only problem is there is no key.But hey i can love myself all day
suits to hun just the right colour and size.
awwwwwww hun u don't have to love urself only as we love u loads hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
all service stations should be called DICK TURPINS cos its highway robbery in them.
look out for transport cafes if theres loads of lorries parked at them you know the food will be ok and they loads cheeper than services,
or do what i do take a car picnic, makes a mess in the car but its cheeper on ya pocket
Next time I am down there.... I'll let you clever people make up a ploughmans to take back with me......... Mind you if it is as big as thae last one No doubt that I will have to pay import duty on it when I reach the border.