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Jokes, Games & Silly Things

joke time

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joke time

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now call me ignorant ?(or blonde)- please don't tho cos quite new to these kind of sites you understand too! but can anyone tell me what fbk and ciao mean?? got the hang of lol and lmao but not these two little gems - would like to know if someones being nice/not so nice to me before replying lol!!! Sandy x ps and anything else anyone thinks I should be aware of plz!!!

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Deleted Member @ 03/03/2007 10:52  

fbk=firebladekid ciao=bye bye fer now (italian i believe) hope that clears the mud a bit hun? xx

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Di @ 03/03/2007 11:18  

cant see what this to do with my jokes .

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 12:38  

whats the diffrance between an ipswich fan an dog in the road . a dog in the road has skid marks in front of it

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 12:43  

why do chavs smell so bad , so that the blind can hate them as well

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 12:52  

rotflmao fbk canary by any chance?

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Di @ 03/03/2007 12:53  

whats yellow and green and eats nuts ???? gonorrhoea

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 12:54  

please people go back to start and tell me if my jokes rock or suck thanks fbk

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 12:55  

nope, had me in fits hun. you carry on

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Di @ 03/03/2007 12:56  

what do prostitutes and bungee jumping got in comon? they are both cheap fast and ,if the rubber breaks your dead

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 13:03  

ok due my best but dunning out and fast tell your mate to read my jokes on here

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 13:05  

will do hun, will do

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Di @ 03/03/2007 14:02  

cool, you fancy meeting for a few beers one day

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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 14:23  

i can do beer!

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Di @ 03/03/2007 14:41  


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firebladekid @ 03/03/2007 14:53  

i love the chav jokes................................

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Di @ 03/03/2007 15:10  

Three tortoises, Mick, Alan and Les, decide to go on a picnic. So Mick packs the picnic basket with beer and sandwiches. The trouble is the picnic site is ten miles away so it takes them ten days to get there. When they get there Mick unpacks the food and beer. "OK Les Give me the bottle opener." "I didn't bring it," says Les. "I thought you packed it." Mick gets worried, He turns to Alan, "Did you bring the bottle opener??" Naturally Alan didn't bring it. So they're stuck ten miles from Home without a bottle opener. Mick and Alan beg Les to go back for It, but he refuses as he says they will eat all the sandwiches. After two hours, and after they have sworn on their tortoise Lives that they will not eat the sandwiches, he finally agrees. So Les sets off down the road at a steady pace. Twenty days pass and he still isn't back and Mick and Alan are starving, but a promise is a promise. Another five days and he still isn't back, but a promise is a promise. Finally they can't take it any longer so they take out a Sandwich each, and just as they are about to eat it, Les pops up from behind a rock and shouts........ "I KNEW IT!......I'M NOT FUCKING GOING!"

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Di @ 03/03/2007 15:57  

brill! u and fbk make me smile very muchly!! xx

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witchiest @ 03/03/2007 17:39  

good one

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firebladekid @ 04/03/2007 07:22  

whats the difference between getting caught speeding and going down on a woman . when you go down on a woman ,you can see the twat behind the bush

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firebladekid @ 04/03/2007 07:59  

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