RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
got to say cassie it read like an attack to me so it will to others, this is getting extremely personal. Thought we all learned from the last experience! We all know Ian and drivel are one and the same
Also can't understand how a member of 6 months can tell a member of two years that the site is getting anything.I would respectfully suggest that if you don't like this site(as your constant moaning about anything and evreything) you leave it to the members who enjoy it and go and find something more suited to you.
Rusty,earlier this evening,as you well know,there was confusion between yourself and Ian over which event you were talking about.This only happens when people turn event postings into general ones.Ian was asking how to get his rally ticket when it is clearly stated several times throughout the thread but lost amongst drivel.Drivel by the way is a legitimate word and not exclusively for describing Ians posts.
RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
cassie wasn't it you that suggested personal remarks were kept personal ie PM's. Pots n kettles are rattling about here!
I said in an earlier thread there was a hierarchy based on 'length of service' it's rearing its head here. 'Respect' is earned from good communication not a clock!
Suggest everyone shake hands and talk elsewhere if you need to get personal.
I did indeed Rusty,but if you care to actually read the thread you will find i made no personal remarks until it was inferred publicaly that i was being ignorant and unfriendly.
I remember the rally crap that was flinging about before it was deleted and it was coming from all sides.
So like RK says,keep it to pm's else Matt will have to go around deleting stuff again.
which i tried to do, i have only been on here six months cassie, and i respect the fact that alot of people have been on longer, but i only ever try to have a laugh, re drivel it was matt who gave me that nick name, i am not leaving a site just because one member does not or apperas not to like me, i tried to talk via a pm, but its been brought out in a open chat, i dont see to remember that i moan about everything just participate in issues,post banter , chat and try to enjoy the site.
Your idea of enjoyment Ian isn't evreyone elses,and it was you who made public that a pm had not been responded to after an hour,boo****hoo,some of us have a life
Can we stop the bickering please. If it does not stop I'll kill the whole thread because I can't be bothered to sift through the thread deleting individual posts.
Don't think so Ian,your very fond of removing editing posts when it suits you.I say we treat the membership on here as the adults they are and allow them to make their own minds up.I am entitled to my opinion just as much as anyone else.