So lovely to meet you all at the rally....
Ian The two hours in the"hut" flew by cos we laughed so much Also thanks for slinging me over your shoulder in true viking stylee and carting me off you your tent when I became a little indisposed! you're lovely, a true gent and I intend to treat you to more of my shennanigans soon!!
And apologies to Jackie for falling asleep all over her....soreeeee
thanks to all those who helped to find my glasses, they were found crushed and crumpled with no lenses in.....,but hey??? my own fault stupid mare!!
I'll be back for more of the same next year
hey uk no offence woz taken at all about comments of me in the mornin n as if i would of said f***o** i@m a bright cheerful person in the mornins..............well maybe after ive bin up 4 a gud least
Oi Oi! *spoken in quiet squeaky voice*
Cassie & I just got back about 6ish tonight still on a massive high after a truly fantastic weekend, made extra special by all those that made the journey and supported this event. Really glad every one had a great time, reading some of the comments on here has made all the hard work, stress and sleepless nights all the more worth it.
We're well chuffed that so many new friends were made at the rally and we all hope to see you there next Year, and hopefully we'll all be able to spend more time chilling with you all.
A huge Thanks to everyone who left the site as clean and tidy as they found it, Sunday was made a lot easier because of you all
Blueboy (aka MC croaky)
ps To all those who said (in the early days) that it would never happen and that we could never do it, I can only say *cue schoolboy singing* "Nah, nah, na-na, nah!"