Hi Bikeabill,well being a sawdoctor i maintain those saws that cut the logs into planks for you to join up again..love the smell of fresh sawdust in the morning lol. TC i have'nt done the far east yet but my one sister lived in Hong Kong for 20 odd years and speaks perfect cantonese,she taught ex-pats kids upto grade 8 level also returned to England in the 90's..living in Kent now i believe
Bill - I was working as a joiner's mate for a while this year and loved it! I normally work with metal and composites and it was great to work with wood! You guys have skills I can only dream of...
exc - just loosen that dragging anchor a little
Alice - I have a couple of bike related products in the pipeline... watch this space!
Ghosty - we all know you are an ex-nun who gave up her faith in a quest to perfect the taste of a strawberry milkshake!
Thanks TeeCee i do like to think so but have to admit i'm crap on the computer, what is intresting is that allmost every joiner i'v met have been or still are into motor bikes
I worked as a metallurgist in the aero engine (mainly for helicopters) industry for 18 years and then for over 14 as a lobbyist for one of the riders' groups kicking politicians' and eurocrats' butts. After I had enough of that, I am now doing a dull job 15 minutes walk from home reviewing files for a data management company.
I left school was a post office clerk left after 4 years went as a Temp in general offices for 2 years back to being a post office clerk for a further 22 years. Then children came along i registered as a child minder ran my own playgroup trained in hair cutting and setting, decided to work in a hospital was auxiliary nurse for 4 yaers, did my first years nurse training but was offered a job on the community visiting elderly did that for 4 years then also worked in a control centre answering the calls form the elderly in sheltered housing which also started to have add ons like out of hours for the council and CCTV monitoring was dumped on us which is where i still am now after 17 years. I am now a shift superviser but expecting a redundancy notice pretty soon as I have to reapply for my job as we merge with another control room, or get the big heave ooooo
Long Breathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
HURRAH!!!! Finally got someone to feed us all. . even if we do get fed up with curly wurlys ! We.ve got builders, designers, electricians and joiners. There are peolple to build planes and mechanics to keep us moving. There are those who can care for us (and loads who are good at hugs!!), those who can entertain us. Sooooo. .what are we short of now AND. .who shall we have for president!!!????
hey Alice - I can project manage the take over & Bandit Mr P, Pagan Prince, Matt & I can sort all the IT out (not very glamorous I know, but hey - we're stuck with IT now)...........so step 1 in taking over the unipurse - nab the net
Wanna's can be our legal rep & also make nice sparklies for us & TC can be chief design engineer & BJ can be chief security officer (with that arse no-one's gonna argue with her ) with Ian as 2nd in command, Moon can be our Health officer, Ghosty can be our transport executive...........
Hmmmm Curly Wurly - haven't had one of them in years!!!
Some blokes do like a good arse ya know! lol. Transport Minister...Yeah I like that. I'm banning fat bald blokes in thier 50's from driving convertibles first. ( I still have a few years left...and me hair!)