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General Chat/Anything Goes

Pillion Responsibility - How much is it down to you?

Pillion Responsibility - How much is it down to you? (3) - Forums [Biker Match] Pillion Responsibility - How much is it down to you? (3) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Pillion Responsibility - How much is it down to you?

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God damm pillions....they screw up the handling....are never ready when you are.....constantly waving and point at sh*t.....they want to go here or there where you don't....they never have the right equipment....constantly tell you to slow down.....and complain about there hair and where's the loo.... and when you get there they want you to pay for them.. Gawd sdv9r - if I ever had passengers like that in my car it'd do me head in !!! Sounds like you've had some duff experiences there mate. Not everybody is like that - some of us take responsibility for ourselves - AND pay our way !!! lol

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46Rossi @ 25/12/2009 17:26  

Gawd sdv9r - if I ever had passengers like that in my car it'd do me head in !!! Sounds like you've had some duff experiences there mate. Not everybody is like that - some of us take responsibility for ourselves - AND pay our way !!! lol Agree with you there 46Rossi. We're not all daft bints

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jeanzqueen @ 25/12/2009 20:50  

Personally, as an ardent non drink/driver, I think anyone who gets on their bike or in their car after having a few jars should be locked up. I agree with previous posts (quoting the law), but anyone who drink/drives knows that their ability is reduced and shouldn't even risk it. As far as pillions go, they have the option to choose and, in this day of mobile phones, they wouldn't be stranded for long, especially after a quick call to plod. I once went on a ride-out with other MAG members, all of which had way more experience than me, and we ended up in Scarborough. Instead of the ice-cream waffle that I had, they all decided to hit the local boozer for a couple of hours and downed (at least) two pints each. I was that concerned for my safety (riding as part of the group) that I hung back on the B1257 (Helmsley to Stokesley) in the hope that I didn't get caught up in any potential RTA caused by them as their risk of making an error was greatly increased. The good news is that we all made the next stop safely, although I was a few mnutes late so most of the others had already gone (so much for sticking with each other). I later found out that this was usual practise (the drinking) on a ride-out so I made the decision, there and then, never to ride with this group again. I made sure they all knew my reasons at the next MAG meeting and I actually had a lot of support from the majority of MAG members present. The decision is ours, rider or pillion.

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Blueboy955i @ 25/12/2009 23:53  

.....I think both have to take some responsibility as you're on the same bike and can have an effect on the control and handling by your actions or lack of them! The person in charge of riding and controlling the bike of course..............if you take a pillion you should be capable and responsible of doing so. The pillion rider to used the footpegs, hold on to appropriate handles, straps etc and not distract and listen to instructions from the rider when given (especially if its your first time and you're not sure what to do!) Not drinking and riding safely surely is a given..............even more so when taking a pilly but then again, some folks out there have some weird ideas of takes your choice, and the consquences along with it too tho unfortunately!

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babyharley @ 26/12/2009 08:42  

I saw a bike carrying a pillion on way to work this morning skidding about in the snow, was shocked to notice when they slid past me it was a young lad on the back about 10-11 years old, how frickin daft !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Brummie Jackie @ 06/01/2010 11:23  

Might have beeen legal, but hardly responsible

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Rob1050 @ 06/01/2010 12:01  

Thats what i was thinking Rob, frickin totally irresponsible IMO

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Brummie Jackie @ 06/01/2010 12:10  

i have been a pillion for the last 20 something years and ive seen a few accidents ,it happens, however i would rather be stranded in the middle of nowhere than knowingly get on the back of a bike with someone whos been drinking, its better to get home alive i think yes ?. its the passengers responsibility as well .

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Boodyblues @ 06/01/2010 17:53  

Crazy riding isn't always down to drink. My second pilly experience many years ago made me take the decision never to get on the back of anyone again and I haven't done since. On the way to Scarborough my rider decided to get involved in a race with another bike that lasted about 20 miles and made me fear for my life. When we arrived in Scarborough I jumped off the bike, had a word in his ear with my fist then got my Dad to pay for a train ticket home

The riders in control, the pillions just there for the ride and although contributes to the handling by leaning etc, thats it IMO

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RustyKnight @ 06/01/2010 19:30  

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