Good luck anneka...if your in the frame of mind it'll be a breeze
BUt don't be tempted if your out to think "one won't harm me"
I did 2yrs ago (having stopped for 3yrs) and BINGO was back on them
Update........Got up about 8:30am didn't weaken till 1:30 and had a couple of drags outside back door ( all ashtrays washed and put away ) 2:35 had couple more drags then went to the docs and got my inhalator , it's now after 5pm and not had cig or tried inhalator yet, the coffee table has a few teeth marks in it though !!!!!! One day at a time .......
Anne its 3 day in you are officially an ex smoker, good on you..... extra days on your life now and extra money in your pocket well more fag breath lol......
Day 6 ...hmmmm well instead of buying 120 cigs since friday i have bought 20 and rationed myself..... no smoking indoors ..... The inhalator is way too strong for me as i smoke(d!) menthol cigs and having a drag on that is like capstan full strength so i think the next step is patches .... NOT giving up giving up