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General Chat/Anything Goes

Bank holiday monday

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Bank holiday monday

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hi again everyone my daughter is with her dad this weekend and i am so bored. would love to be doing something good as we get an extra day off work but being lazy. Got up at 10.40 today, can't remember the last time i did that alone. Any ideas anyone:)

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rach @ 05/05/2007 08:19  

hi rach im not doing much either, taking dog walking for a few hours monday then hittin the pub !!!!! lol

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storm @ 05/05/2007 14:40  

went out last night, feeling delicate today and suposed to be going out tonight too. What a life eh.

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rach @ 06/05/2007 07:15  

you go for it gal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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storm @ 06/05/2007 07:33  

hows the head today rach - btw hi rach Hope all on BM had a great weekend

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Istaqa @ 08/05/2007 14:13  

just saw your post sorry for not answering sooner. my head has been good and bad all weekend, wouldn't have had it any other way though. x

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rach @ 08/05/2007 15:15  

a weekend wasted is never a wated weekend

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Istaqa @ 08/05/2007 15:19  

how was Isle of Wight BWB - any stories apparently my sis and co were up to mischief at Into the Valley

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Istaqa @ 08/05/2007 15:20  

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