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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Biker Match Welsh Tour Event 2007- Your thoughts plz

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Biker Match Welsh Tour Event 2007- Your thoughts plz

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sounds like a gr8 idea & im well up for it i'l have to be sure nearer the time tho with plenty of notice on it dont know about bringing ny kids tho. how can i mis behave them with me lol

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Oggy @ 06/09/2006 13:43  

a great idea/ is that me n rc on the gate or the rally or both lol

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Sexysmirnoff @ 06/09/2006 13:54  

pmsl @ u bp we gonna be everywhere

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RC @ 06/09/2006 14:03  

lol true we are god help u all x

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Sexysmirnoff @ 06/09/2006 14:06  

That'll be both BP and RC, once everyones there's thats gonna be there you two can come off the gate and relax and enjoy the fun and beer.

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Moxey77 @ 07/09/2006 05:55  

ohhhhhhhh goody cause we going to neeed a drink or 2 lol

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RC @ 08/09/2006 06:15  

a drink or 2 wot u on lol ya mean a keg or 2 !!! actually i dont drink lager so ill b bring vodka n lots of lol x

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Sexysmirnoff @ 08/09/2006 06:39  

i'll just bring me lmao

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RC @ 08/09/2006 07:19  

I'm sure I can get hold of a bottle just for you BP

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Moxey77 @ 08/09/2006 07:27  

im defo at the welsh do, with laura. Im sure a lot of the bike chat lot will show their faces too. Cheers for organising it 2wheels, ur a big help

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Matt @ 08/09/2006 16:21  

Looks like thats two I'm doing then, woooohoooooooooo
Well in that case, deffo watch THIS space

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Moxey77 @ 08/09/2006 20:28  

 Posts: 51       Pages: 3/3

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