nice to see you back Kaz.
well done on getting the job (what ever it was)
Oh and now you are back on line so there only one thing left to do
Get ziggy sorted
Good luck with ur test Hun but if I can pass anybody can and it's the best thing I've ever done! Car is a necessary evil for ferrying kids but when I can finally afford a bike it'll be all mine and get seriously used but definitely not'll be well loved and no bugger will make me get shut lol
Hiya Kaz hon! hope all's well, and if i can stop smoking i'm sure ziggy can lol! Mizzi, get yerself summat cheeeeep! At least it's a foot on the ladder, and then you can get on some ride out's n show your face lol!
...if i can stop smoking i'm sure ziggy can lol!
PML @ Kwakarider's comment.
I think Kaz should rename Ziggy to 'Zippy' as he's been made better by nellie. Zippy Zippy hush! hush! instead of Ziggy Ziggy pop pop
hahah nice one Sandi! ..but he's got to stay as Ziggy lol
yeh many thanks to nellie for sorting the Zigster
mizzi, thanks hun,...and well done on passing your test, hope you get a bike soon.
Hey KR..well done on the smoking, not sure Ziggy can be so disciplined, but we'll