Now is the point at which your own unique time-line interacts with the universe The point at which every single thought and action you create affects every other piece of matter that exists... gentle with us
But surely "now" cannot be given a time span. Not even one micro milli second. Therefore, how can "now" exist. The past and the future can be measured over vast time spans but not "now".
Deduction:- only the past and the future really matter.
The past because it is what makes you the person you are, no matter how good or bad.
The future because it holds hope for all that you can, or would like to be/or achieve.
Now cannot be defined as a passage of time, more as a point in time.
It connects hope (for the future) with regret (for the past). There is no other moment in the entire existence of the universe that can possibly do this.
Therefore, I have to disagree and say that now is by far the most important time in your whole life, so enjoy it while you can