In room 101, I would put all those topics like what made you smile today and the rest of that driffle that dominates the forum so people can try to keep up popularity ratings lol....I would drop the lot in so the real topics come up to the front ha ha, I await the dripping gonna be like Somerset in here soon.....!
Well if it weren't for the "nebulous" topics, like this one
There'd be very little going on
IMHO, if it keeps folk here on the site, it can only be a good thing
The subject of "Karma" has & will always be, a contentious issue
After all if you don't want to read the trivia
Just pass it by
So ... negative comments about the site can ALL go into room 101
BTW, this post is NOT an attempt to "boost" my Karma, I have enough "real" popularity without looking for "artificial" spurious ways of generating it
In deed you have Emzed and I have read many of your contributions over the forums and they have been worthy contributions..... But without opinion and injection of those society as a whole can never move forward..... There must be more happening out there than the usual daily drivel we can get that on facebook or twitter....bikes and biking things mate it's only an opinion, sometimes there is a worthy comment or two from the occasional poster but you must admit the daily grind wears thin sometimes...
i agree emzed the forums are for just that!! some of us like to dribble sometimes and theres no rule to say what you can post about.and as you say theres few enough peeps posting could say my thread about my weight loss is uninteresting drivel but then its my personal journey that i want to share some take life way to serious we are on this planet for a short time lets enjoy it have a laugh and things you dont want to read about etc just pass by to what you do.for instance i never post in the threads for motorcycle racing cos i dont like bike racing i find it boring and would rather be riding my own bike!! and i very rarely post in some of the others.its personal choice isnt it
Some of the teams on university challenge........firstly half of em wont ever be employable and the other half will be running the country.......argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
burd sign up for internet banking its easier chick xx hope your feeling better today and that stuie is spoiling you and taking care of you and that by cooking for you he didnt mean beans on toast lol ((((((((((((((big hugs))))))))))))))))))))
The top 3 political parties in this country who do nothing but bend over backwards to ingratiate themselves to those who dont like the British heritage and culture. I know it is not 'PC' but if an article in the Daily Mail is to be believed then it wont be long before we have sharia law on the legal system here.