Now now keep it clean or I will have to turn into Roger Rabbit. On the soggy theme don't you just hate it when you dunk and the end falls off in ya tea dunk Carrot cake????....oh that is wrong on sooooo many levels. Mind you, who am I to judge, I like to leave jaffa cakes out so they go crunchy before I eat em ...mmmmmm :-)
955, dont get me started on things that dont go together! I mean, Cheese cake, cheese and cake? what halfwit thought up that idea? thats almost as bad as eating xmas cake with a nice bit of Wensledale at the same time! Walnuts and vinegar, there is something else that terrifies my gastro-intestinal tract! urgh, I can feel my digestive system convulsing as I type. Ant and Dec, who thought it was bloody clever to put them 2 together as a singing duo and weekend TV entertainment hosts. BGT and I'm a celeb, another 2 things that should never have been paired up with weekends and entertainment.......oooer, I think I have got to have a lie down in a darkened room for a while.
I see we have some new candidate's for this years Grump of the year award's. Keep smilin as said get along to soom meets and anoy folk. You never know you may just find what your looking for.