I just don't want the PC brigade getting into bm if we cant have a laugh at times like theses we are well and truly stuffed. Any how I hope you are keeping safe and we will be seeing you at a bm meet up at some point this century. Stay safe laugh a lot
I agree with JP with regard to the snowflakery associated with pc culture. BM is one of the last bastians where the biker mindset I remember from decades ago can still thrive. FB and other social media sites must have pc friendly pages to satisfy those of a delicate nature and disposition and I suggest those with no sense of humour go there......after all, it wouldn't cost anything to join, and the algorithms would wrap them in more than enough cottonwool to make feel safe. Obviously bad taste and outright vulgarity isn't necessary, but innuendo and smutty suggestion is what makes English humour standout from the mundane.