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General Chat/Anything Goes


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Babies...... poo spew potty and pheeeewww huggies and eating grubs. Yep That Trumpton was certainly for kids.

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rubecula @ 15/10/2006 17:16  

Trumpton? Usually get that after a good ol' ruby murry Rube

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Moxey77 @ 16/10/2006 05:43  

wow 2 wheels and diane so pleased for both of you congrats thats brill news, well the site is living up to its name an dont forget my invite not bin to a wedding for years. am allergic to them !!!!! but will take my beconaze for this one yooooohooooooo

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storm @ 16/10/2006 07:36  

Aww fankoo Stormyyyyyy.
We'll keep you "posted."

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Moxey77 @ 16/10/2006 07:37  

Don't do church's or Babies can't eat a full one

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 16/10/2006 07:57  

Not too keen on churches either mate. The only religon I know is Rock and Roll and beer

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Moxey77 @ 16/10/2006 08:08  

if i was EVER to get errrr you know, errrr cant say that word !!!! it would have to be in a castle cos just luv castles, or think A&E might be better cos mates would go into shock about me doin that !!!!!! and they would need to keep me in the dungeon till i was errrrrr nope it just wont work can't say it!!!!!!!!!!!! w*d there done it cos i might do a runner !!!!! or think A&E might be better cos mates would go into shock about me doin that !!!!!! churches are nice for some people but i think theres better places these days for people to get spliced

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storm @ 16/10/2006 10:24  

Can't run out of a castle storm .They don't have battlements for nothing you know

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 16/10/2006 11:19  

awwwww shucks bwb never thought of that one will have to come up with another easy emergency access venue hheheheheheheheheeh

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storm @ 16/10/2006 11:31  

Hmmm I think with me it would have to be a church.... there are graveyards nearby, if the shock didn't kill me I might just top meself.

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 11:57  

that could be a grave mistake for you rube wot if you fell in the wrong size hole ??????

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storm @ 16/10/2006 14:44  

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Di @ 16/10/2006 14:47  

I think they are all the wrong size you know.

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 15:56  

I don't do falling into holes, only falling in love

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Moxey77 @ 18/10/2006 06:51  

Ye rube what a place to hang out a grave yard it's full of your favorite spirits but the atmosphere is a little dead

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 18/10/2006 09:08  

STORM i knnow the best place to get erm that M word top of a slide then you can just slip away at

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 18/10/2006 09:10  

Or on the back of a bike? lol

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rubecula @ 18/10/2006 12:05  

2 true rube it's the way to travel

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 18/10/2006 12:07  

The only way BWB...... except when you have to carry loads and loads and..... well I'm sure you know why I have a car as well.

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rubecula @ 18/10/2006 12:14  

ill let ya tek me for a ride rube lol

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Sexysmirnoff @ 18/10/2006 17:54  

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