ooops soz hun ive never watched it..just thought it was an epic love story wiv a fairytale ending!
Okies..we'll stick wiv Mills & Boon ( never read them )
At the end of ""Gone with the Wind" Scarlett O'hara begs Rhett to stay with her, but he's had enough of her because she is such a god damn pain in the arse!!!
This classic film narrates the love between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler during the American civil war. It's the history of a selfish woman who doesn't want to admit her feelings about the man she loves, and finally loses him , ..
Thats not gonna happen no matter what anyone does I already admitted my feelings
its doin it agen
will not let me edit posts
When I do it comes back same as original
whats that all about
had to copy and paste in new window to get it how I wanted it !
see if this edit works ?