keeping busy was the one for me then going home to a lonely house ,then it comes back ,then her mates who were single came onto me soon as it was known i was free ,one even offered it on a plate ,no thanks
on a plate?? my god man, Are you that irresistable?? I bow to your charms Oh green one chuckle.You are indeed an Adonis pmsl. Sorry fella, your hair needs attention love chuckle
The long term relationships I have had and lost (3 or 4) that lasted more than two years have taken me two years to be able to move on from.
I presume the time of 'mourning' is different for everyone.
Finding it really difficult to start a new relationship now though, maybe I never will? I would hope to eventually find a long term partner again but the relationship may not involve ever living together.
You know I can't do that lol ....anyway its only depressing if you let it be ..... and if you dont wanna read whats in here then don't .....I dont read all posts would take for ever with this lot
Shall I start a happy heart thread
Soooooooo sorry - must remember to keep my bad moment to myself next time
perhaps we could have some happy stories about hearts that have been mended ......
to those who need it xxx