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Chatroom Etiquette

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Chatroom Etiquette

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I think Matt that you are out of order, people are allowed to have opinions, and opinions are just not shared by everyone, to imply that people are STUPID....your words counter productive, and quite frankly insulting, this is a forum, and therefore people wil post their opinions on here, regardless of what YOU think. I agree, that downright out and out filth rudness etc. is NOT acceptable behaviour, either on BM or in real life. However, it does appear to me that there are a lot of people complaining about the slightest little thing, also it seems to me a lot of the people posting comments on this matter, hardly if ever actually come into the chatroom. I understand that as site mods you are obliged to investigate such complaints, but in truth, there does tend to be a rather heavy handed approach, especially from you Matt. The room has now become very PC it is no longer fun, and it is driving people away, as we are worried that we are going to get bounced by mods on a mission. A little leniency I believe is called for, the people in the room are fully aware of what is acceptable behaviour, and they tend not to communicate with outright idiots who are disgusting, I have seen this myself, so know it to be fact. So lighten up guys it's supposed to be fun, and quite frankly it no longer is.....NUFF SAID...END OF DIT !!!!

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Deleted Member @ 03/03/2011 20:45  

Well said

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Sumo69 @ 03/03/2011 21:07  

Well said Trots

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Ragnar @ 03/03/2011 21:13  

spot on trots m8. ive been going in chat regularly for nearly two years and ive made a lot of life long friends - and i mean a lot !. its had its ups and downs and the regulars have come and gone - yeah its been ott of late but most people ignore that and it would have sorted itself out if left alone. i used to visit bm every day and now its once a week. chat is hardly worth logging in now so i raely bother. my membership is up in april but i bet i last longer than this thread ;)

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dunans @ 03/03/2011 21:28  

Has anyone been "bounced" or banned from chat for flirting, engaging in banter or being suggestive? If people are not talking in chat for fear of this then why? It hasn't happened. All that has been said is that others have been put off chat by much more ott stuff like describing acts in detail on the open chat forum. If chat is now boring or people aren't going in then blame them, not the mods because no-one has been banned or anything for risque speak, only when it gets really heavy has there been intervention to my knowledge but if someone knows different then I'm happy to be corrected. Personally, and not a mod view, I don't care if people use the odd swearword or are suggestive, as has been said, we are all adults. What I don't want to read is what one member wants to do to another in graphic detail - keep it to whispers or PMs that's all it needs, no need to stay out, just be sensible and don't go in there to shock just for the hell of it which is where the complaints have come from.

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Deleted Member @ 03/03/2011 23:53  

God how long do you have to flog this folks ! you get less for murder and rape in this bloody country ! Get a bloody grip and move on ....there are far more serious things going on in the world right now ! if only this was our only problem !! don't make us loose faith in the little freedom we have left ! ffs ! HB !

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honda baby @ 04/03/2011 03:36  

I agree with Boss Mom

For those who go into chat regularly you know who the culprits are so air your annoyance with them.

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Brummie Jackie @ 04/03/2011 09:34  

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