What was the actual date of this event? Sorry found it now, I would have been up for this but you say now full up. Are you sure you can't make room for someone from the south.
Harry, the dates are Friday 30th September - Sunday 2nd October.
Unfortunately we have had to limit the number for the people wanting to camp at the chosen campsite and are now full to capacity.
We tried really hard to find an alternative campsite, but they are all to far away from the Winking Man which made getting there and back a logistical nightmare.
There is a ride out planned for the Saturday and anyone wanting to join us will be more than welcome.
Bobby, the nearest campsite to the Winking man that I could find that could accommodate the original numbers (c 45), and keeping the price down is 8 miles away.
I investigated possible transport to and back from the Winking Man, I even priced up the hiring of a minibus. The cost came out far to high for that and there was only 1 taxi firm that ran 24 hours, but I was told that they wouldn't be able to help us out due to the numbers.
Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to be able to accommodate every one that had originally showed an interest and still keep the ethos of what was a fab weekend last year.
If people want to source their own campsite, I don't see a problem with that, there are few local ones that have a small number of pitches available but the original campsite is now full.
Camping both nights and going to the Winking Man
Bandit Lover
Old Red
craig cw1066
ninja lou plus 1
Tiggatiny + 1 + William
Maisie & Simon
Camping Saturday only
May I please ask that no one else adds their name to this list of attendees.
I have asked for the thread to be deleted because although I have tried my best to make it clear that the campsite is now full, I am struggling to make this understood.
This event is full but I do have a reserve list should any people drop out.
It's not the number of tents that are the issue, it's the number of people as the campsite has a maximum number that they can cope with.
Errrrr, that link's a bit wacky YID lol
struggling to make the connection between clunk click every trip and the roaches camping weekend....but hey, it's a good message hun and enjoyed the Hillman Minx