Back from my hols and realised I haven't run my bike for a month so going to try to get to Otley cafe for a breakfast tomorrow,may be up for a scenic run to Squires after.
Ray perhaps you could pop in to mine with my bike gloves?
pretty please?
Ya never know I may just get offered a ride out and I'd like to wear my gloves if I do.
a big thank you to lindsey for saturday night was fab hun we had a brill time.sunday ride to dunnies was fabulous and the breaky ace.sorry we had to shoot off had to go do important stuff was great to catch up with everyone lovely day and will see you all very soon. emzeds party then hallowistmas woooohoooo xxx
Big thanks To Linzi for putting us up Saturday night and for taking us to the Lion pub to watch a great band!
I had a fantabulous night! lots of giggles and much lovelyness
The ride out was awesome.. even if it went slightly off plan.. but hey, that's what biking's all about...there's never a wrong turn, just an alternative route! Or just another road to be discovered
All in all.. a brill weekend, spent with great BMer's!
Good fun enjoyed everyone's companycan't wait to get back Stu on the bike for a run out he had always set on the back of me to see how a bike should be written
@karey.... Wtf???!! But you're excused because you had a VIP appointment.. you after summat? ((wink)) LMAO
No he aint ... ! Poor excuse if ya ask me, weedling his way out to go ride round in a 'copter, even if it was with his daughter!!! @riley ... U aint NOWHERE NEAR EXCUSED! So there!!! **blows raspberry**
On the positive side, i would put up with you all again ... Oops ... I mean i would put you all up again anytime. It was a top night, whens the next one!