There are 2 members requesting lifts, can anyone oblige? If you can, please put your name down in the offer lift section on the events calendar. If the person offering a lift could then send a pm to the appropriate member, then you can work out details to suit both parties. Just over a week to go, still plenty of room at Squires for more to attend. Full details of prices and address of venue in the events calendar for the dates 2nd to the 4th of September.
The count down has now begun. Five days to go for a relaxing weekends camping. Hopefully a few more will attend. Looking forward to bacon butties and coffee followed by a few cheeky brandy's in the evening having a few laughs along the way.
Only 3 more days to go until the inaugural No Kissing event starts. Still hoping a few more members will turn up to this, it probably wont happen again so don't miss out. Don't forget to put your names on the event in the calendar.
Look forward to meeting everyone who attends.......66
There still 2 members wishing to attend that have requested lifts. If anyone can help, please go to the event calendar, click on the event and click the lifts tab and then click the offer tab next to the person you can oblige. To arrange any details, send that member a message and Bob is your mothers sisters husband. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and we can have a relaxing weekend in the sun.