I had a quick look on my phone last night, it looks really good on there, so does the rest of the new stuff. Have to say though, over the last couple of months I have put in 3 racing events, granted one was very close to the event with just one week but none of them got put up on the calendar ?
Have to agree the callender is better when you can see 3 month spreed. when you planning events you need to see whats going on so you can plan for folks who get paid on a monthly basis
New calendar has 1 month, but there's a button to show full year. Only it will show all events under each other, not horizontal as it currently does (very bad web design of me to have horizontal scrolling pages).
The current design is just unusable on mobile phones so I have to do something.
The button to open the year is not visible on my mobile even when I turn the screen. It shows on my laptop. I will stick with my earlier comment it's not as good as the old calendar for planning, you have to keep scrolling over to the next month
Catkins, I am having the same problem as you but on my phone not on the laptop. In the end I just give up and wait to message when I get home and can use the laptop. I type it up and press send and then nothing it just vanishes :(
That's not good, and should not be related to anything I've been doing. Does it still happen?
But anyhow, this backs up my theory about the need to remake the entire website. People (see somewhere above here) complain about "Why fix what isn't broke", but then others say "Oh it doesn't work on my mobile, I'll just wait till I get home and use my PC where it does work"
So the fact is that it IS broken, some folks just don't realise it if they never use a mobile to access the site.
Sadly though, for the current site, MOST people are using mobiles or tablets. Here are the stats from the past 30 days...
Desktop: 31.49% Mobile: 53.40% Tablet: 15.11%
See the difference. Compare with 3 years ago you could reverse them numbers.
So to the folks who say "why fix what isn't broken"... you are one of the 3 out of 10 people using a PC/desktop to access the site. For 7 out of 10 other people the site IS broken.
And if anyone has any better idea how I can display a whole YEAR of events on one mobile phone screen then please do let me know
You don't need to see the full year but seeing the events as they are over 3 months is great and I use my mobile a lot more than my laptop. But as usual you don't like anybody saying that the older version seems better .
Matt is that it? Just the title and the date. No relevant info on what's on offer, tickets prices or entertainment?? And no credit to the person who submitted the event? Or haven't you finished it yet?
Sandi, it's not finished yet. The calendar overview page will have fewer details. Then you will be able to click the event to open the full details (description, photos, map, guests, lifts etc). That page hasn't been created yet, I'm just working on the overview page.
JP, you're right about the little calendar not showing on mobiles. I'm thinking of a solution for this. 3 months' overview (you mean current month + 2 in the future? Or current month plus one in the past and one in the future?). I'll see if I can make it happen.
Matt while looking thro my list of posts I refresh the page and it takes me back to my main profile page every time. It also keeps showing how many new posts have been made when I've already read them.
Cat, I genuinely have no idea why that would happen. I don't see errors in the logs either. Try using the new website for sending messages and let me know if you have the same trouble (note it will load the page slowly the first time, it's something I'm working on)... https://beta.bikermatch.co.uk/myaccount/?tab=inbox
Beta update. Some new pages added. it's linked to the live database so feel free to use as you like...
EDIT YOUR PHOTOS: https://beta.bikermatch.co.uk/myaccount/edit-photos.asp
EVENTS OPEN ON CALENDAR NOW: https://beta.bikermatch.co.uk/events/calendar.asp (only event info and photos working at the moment)
Also fixed a huge performance bug on both old and new website, which I hadn't noticed before (after uploading photos the entire site would go slow, but it's fixed now)
I'm a tad concerned about the non - compatibility on both sites(old and new one) with Apple products...lots of people have them ,and two in two days telling me my profile is impossible to source...suggestions in a plain brown envelope to my PM box,lol
No, the problem with Apple is that they try to be trend-setters. So they are always the first to disable website features that everyone else is using, or change headphone sockets every other device has used for years etc.
I also don't have any Apple products (thank God) but I will try to get my hands on one for testing (and wash them after).
Your profile is fine by the way. Now, if it doesn't work on the NEW website for you/others THEN I will be worried. Link for you: https://beta.bikermatch.co.uk/profiles/view-profile.asp?user_id=48472
PS: Been playing around some more with the new site. I've added some finishing touches to the "view profile" page so you can add someone to your friend's list, block/unblock them, message, nod at them etc.
Feel free to find your own profile and have a look:
1) Open the site https://beta.bikermatch.co.uk 2) Open the menu and click Profiles / Browse 3) Type your username in and click your name