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General Chat/Anything Goes

Thanks matt

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Thanks matt

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It's 2w fault!

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Di @ 17/10/2006 12:57  

Fo being clever, being able to avoid the obvious traps,.... or for being rude? ....pmsl

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 13:00  

.....................the rest is down to little ole me, helps being a scaley brat at times pmsl

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Di @ 17/10/2006 13:02  

Yeah you pick up all sorts that way don't you? Glasshopper has rearned resson well.

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 13:04  

Forces upbringing can sometimes be a good asset............most of the kids i grew up with (Dad followed the RAF with the police and prison service) know how to look after themselves.............all the leg pulling etc makes you a bit tougher

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Di @ 17/10/2006 13:09  

Yeah and most seem to be pretty worldly wise. One of the lads here at work was a scaley brat, nice bloke but wise beyond his years. Very self confident too without being over confident or arrogant. I think most scaley brats are in the same mould.

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 13:12  

Christ, being arrogant would have got you slapped down in an instant..............listening and learning was the name of the game rube, make the mistake of being a smart arse once and only once I wouldn't have swopped it for anything........make childhood was fantastic, not many kids have the chance to go to school in Singapore!! Going to so many schools helped too

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Di @ 17/10/2006 13:17  

Yeah a lot of you kids seem to have fond memories of growing up that way. I remember my seargeant introducing me to his daughter... well actually no that is not going to get posted on here......... nearly trapped myself then LOL Scaley Brats...... nasty name for pretty nice folks on the whole..... Hey you're living proof of that aint you?

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 13:25  

Tough cookies us!!! Had to be most of the time..........and thanks for the comp much appreciated

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Di @ 17/10/2006 13:32  

It's not a compliment it is simply the truth as I see it.

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 13:37  

aaawwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you, you bloody nice bloke too

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Di @ 17/10/2006 13:38  

haha you don't even begin to know.... But I do try to be.

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rubecula @ 17/10/2006 13:40  

You're a decent seeming bloke Rube.
There's a lady out there for ya. I found mine, no reason for you not to.

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Moxey77 @ 18/10/2006 06:54  

Hey don't wish my life away on me..... if it happens it happens but I ain't about to start worrying about it at my age mate.

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rubecula @ 18/10/2006 12:02  

so how are our newly-weds doing?

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Matt @ 18/10/2006 17:51  

u do know 2w and di aint met yet lol so dont jinx them!!!!

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Sexysmirnoff @ 18/10/2006 17:52  

rc and bwb are very happy and are enjoying each other company very much they very much yummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Sexysmirnoff @ 18/10/2006 18:04  

pics are on the way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Sexysmirnoff @ 18/10/2006 18:19  

awwwwwwwwwwww cheers bp ur a doll, yep trying to sort pics out be up asap luv rc xxxxxxx

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RC @ 19/10/2006 05:59  

Cheers BP

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 19/10/2006 07:27  

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