Morph was ace!!
Please keep debating this one cos I'm finding it funny.
One thing I will say though as a mod, is whether I find them funny or not, I may well make the decision to delete racist or sexist jokes.
I don't want to be the killjoy here, but there's humour amongst a group of mates in the pub and humour that when posted on a public site could seriously offend someone. So although the idea of keeping "x" rated jokes in one place could be a good one, let's not allow that to be an excuse to post anything seriously offensive.
On the subject of swear words, they should remain blanked somehow regardless of any warnings. I see no reason as to why that would detract from the humour of a joke.
"let's not allow that to be an excuse to post anything seriously offensive"
Saying that, "What has your gran and a seriously out of date pot of yoghurt got in common?"
Answers by pm only!!!
Sorry, only just remembered this.
Kwak/Ian, the site is for over 18s only (See the rules page). My little brother is an exception by my permission. No other exceptions have been made in 3 years.
Everyone else, I think we're focusing way too much on swearing. The issue here isn't the swearing, it's the style of jokes. Of course the jacko jokes spread around the internet like wild fire. I found them hillarious, but clearly many people didn't. I would choose who to share such jokes with if I had received it via SMS, which is what the X-Rated topic would allow us to do (Share with only those here who want to read such jokes).
I'm in favour of the topic but with strict rules so that it doesn't get out of control. It's not an excuse to post the worst swearing you can think of, but it's somewhere to post those 'ooooo you can't say that' kind of jokes. The jokes are not to be offensive though (i.e. Racist, sexist, homophobic (is there an -ist for that?) etc).
My concern, as has already been mentioned, is where do we draw the line? We delete one person's joke for being too over the top, but let another one go that's similar. Then one person gets revved up and feels 'picked on'.
Any more mods wanna say anything?
dont know what i did to deserve that jacks but thanks, matt i said from the start racist jokes, nasty re kids etc would/ should not be allowed, and if i have to be the policeing person of the jokes i would be happy to do so, a former mod Id agree with Matt (well, got to havent I lol!) seriously though, swear words can be left out with the appropriate amount of dots/stars in their place. We're all able to fill in the blanks in here I think. Anything that would cause offense, racist, crude, e.g. seriously dodgy that you would want to say in public in mixed company then perhaps should just be left between your closed friends you who know wont be upset by them!? Just my thoughts for what they're worth and Im broad-minded and enjoy a good laugh too btw!